In a continuing effort toward creating a collaborative culture, please find a summary of the Scott County Board of Education meeting on April 7, 2016. This is being forwarded to all employees and parents/community via e-communications. This is merely a summary and not to be perceived as official board minutes.
The Scott County Board of Education met on April 7, 2016 at 6:30pm at the Great Crossing Office Complex. Elkhorn Crossing Principal Michelle Nichols introduced students representing the school’s five villages. Students from the Health Sciences Village discussed the program’s strong community partnerships, awareness education programs, and volunteer component. Students from the Media Arts Village shared information regarding advanced software training and experience with web development and video production in addition to services rendered for local business partners. Engineering students discussed job training programs, work with fourth grade students at Lemons Mill, and the success of the VEX robotics program at the school. Students from the Law and Justice Village shared information about their work with the Georgetown College Psychology Department, Teen Court, Explorer’s Club, and local law enforcement agencies. This year, Biomedical Science students participated in the Thomas More Health Career Showcase, started a Biomed Club, and also worked with Lemons Mill elementary to strengthen STEM initiatives at the school.
Superintendent Patricia Putty presented an amended calendar which was approved by the Scott County Board of Education. May 17, 2016, Election Day, will be a staff work day but is not a school day for students. The last day of school for students will be Thursday, May 26, 2016. The last day for teachers will be May 31, 2016. Graduation will be May 28, 2016 at 11:00am at the Frankfort Convention Center.
At the request of the board, Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning Maurice Chappell and Director of Student Services Lynne Switzer discussed Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) days with members of the board sharing results of the recent survey for employees, parents, and students. The state has extended the deadline to apply for 2016-2017 to June 3, 2016. Overall, survey results were in favor of offering alternative instruction during extended inclement weather. Concerns were raised regarding access to technology and high speed internet service. A committee will meet to draft a plan for review by the Scott County Board of Education prior to the deadline for submission to the Kentucky Department of Education.
Superintendent Putty announced that Scott County Schools has again received the Energy Star Partner of the Year Award. Board Chair Haley Conway and Assistant Director of Maintenance Jim McClanahan attended a ceremony in Washington, D.C. to receive this prestigious award. The board applauded McClanahan’s efforts and diligence in energy management which has resulted in significant cost savings for Scott County Schools. The board voted to approve transportation expenses for Conway to attend the award presentation.
Next board members discussed the farm property on Long Lick Road. Conway presented a list of members for an advisory committee that will analyze the use and future plans for the property. Members include: Dale Glass, Mike Farmer, Nathan Sewell, Beth Perkins, Troy Rankin, Jessa McQuade, Michelle Simon, Alvin Lyons, and Board Member Kevin Kidwell. Next board members discussed the redistricting committee for the opening of a second high school. Board Members Jo Anna Fryman and Stephanie Powers will serve on the committee and are working to fill the required positions now. There will be representation of parents, community members, classified staff, certified staff, principals, Central Office, and Planning & Zoning.
Board members discussed the Request for Qualification and advertisement for Board Attorney with legal notices to appear in the Georgetown News-Graphic and Lexington Herald Leader. Requests for Qualification must be received by 4:00pm on Monday, May 16, 2016. The Scott County Board of Education will open Requests for Qualification on May 16, 2016 at 5:00pm.
The Scott County Board of Education originally scheduled a special-called meeting on April 26, 2016. The board decided to postpone this meeting until more information is available regarding site preparation for Great Crossing High School. The board voted to hold a special-called meeting on May 1, 2016 from 3-5:00pm at Elkhorn Crossing School. The purpose of the meeting will be a contract signing ceremony and community meet and greet for Superintendent Dr. Kevin Hub. The Scott County Board of Education will have its regular meeting on April 21, 2016 at 6:30pm at the Great Crossing Office Complex.